vlc rtsp server

HI, i have the same issue, any private replies to your question? I see that vlc can play rtsp fine ,but when it comes to streaming ,the gui does not offer any options. What did you use in the command line to stream rtsp? Can you paste it here? the output

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    分享科技與遊戲 by HKGoldenMr.A: VLC 建立 RTSP 串流伺服器 ...
  • HI, i have the same issue, any private replies to your question? I see that vlc can play r...
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  • 阿舍想在家裡要用手機或平板來看電腦裡下載來的教學影片,但是,不想要每次都去複製那些影片檔案到手機和平板,所以,就想到要在阿舍的 Ubuntu 上裝個 Streaming Serve...
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    vlc media player - Using VLC as RTSP server - Super User ...
  • The RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) protocol is a client-server multimedia presentatio...
    RTSP - VideoLAN Wiki
  • This video demonstrates RTSP streaming, using VLC Media Player. RTSP is a request and get ...
    RTSP Streaming using VLC - YouTube
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  • I need to create a server that can stream an mp3 file to another device. I am planning on ...
    streaming - Stream file as RTSP using VLC - Stack Overflow ...
  • Configure VideoLAN VLC media player to stream RTSP/RTP over TCP (RTSP/RTP interleaved) fro...
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  • Complete open-source RTSP server application. Pre-built binaries and source code.
    The LIVE555 Media Server